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The Toll a Car Accident Takes on Your Body

March 23, 2020

Obviously not every motorist on the road is always an alert and attentive driver. This is the main reason why there are so many car accidents. Weather, distractions and negligence are some of the main causes of these accidents. Sometimes car accidents are preventable and can be avoided with cautious driving, but even with these precautions, other drivers may be careless. If you have been hit by a negligent and reckless driver, you have options to get justice.

Always Get Medical Attention

Even in a minor accident, the first thing you must do is get yourself examined by a physician. In cases where you may not think your injuries are serious enough for medical attention, you should go to hospital anyway. You may have received an injury that does not show up right away. You may not feel the symptoms of such an injury until days or weeks after the accident. Your original examination is proof that the doctor did not detect anything wrong at the time of the accident. If the symptoms show up later and they affect your ability to work, you will be able to sue the person who caused the accident.

In cases of minor accidents, the injuries are not always as visible. A concussion is a common consequence of car crashes in Montana. It is a condition that may not affect you until days after the crash. Headache, confusion, nausea, vomiting, slurred speech, and delayed response to questions are some of the symptoms of a concussion

Montana car accidents can also result in fractured bones. For example, you may have shattered bones in your wrist, your foot, or some other part of your body. The pain of such injury may not show up until days later. Injuries from an accident make it difficult to work and function normally. You may lose wages as a result and have to pay for additional medical expenses.

Contact a Montana Car Accident Attorney

If you or a loved one have been injured in a car accident in Montana, you need a lawyer who will fight to protect your rights and interests. You need a lawyer who has extensive experience and expertise in helping people who have been in a car accident caused by another. Call Bulman, Jones & Cook today for your free consultation.